
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday Trends-Clean and Simple

A new weekly feature for the There She Goes Trendsetters is to take a closer look at one of our favourite current trends. You all know how much I love Clean and Simple (CAS)! It's my favourite way to make cards. I love all the layers and bling that some of the other Trendsetters can pull off, but I can't make it look right when I go for that look. It seems to be a trend that's gaining popularity as there has recently been a weekly challenge dedicated to just this style at Splitcoast.

So, I present to you a Clean and Simple card.

I mean honestly. Can't get much simpler than this! It's a piece of Marigold Morning cardstock, a piece of Basic Grey (Ambrosia) patterned paper, a sentiment from Spread Your Wings and a bit of ribbon. That's it. nothing more. Took...maybe 5 minutes. And much of that time was trying to find the right colour of ribbon in the sad mass of ribbon I have!

Some Clean and Simple tips from lil' ol me:

*Patterned paper is a big timesaver when trying to go CAS. Select one that will "go" with the sentiment you are looking at using and you've saved time stamping images.

*Find some great CAS layouts and recycle them often.

*Use a good paper trimmer. Having not a lot going on can really draw the eye to crooked or raggedy cuts.

*Use grid paper. It really helps get those layers straight which again, is important with not a lot going on.

*Be neat. Don't use smudged impressions and make sure your sentiments are straight (Stamp-a-ma-jig is a great tool to get images and sentiments EXACTLY where you want them)

*Try to think of things in threes. Groups of threes, have your paper cover a third of the card, arrange your focal points in a triangle, stuff like that. I find "Threes" a rule of thumb that I refer to often.

So, thanks for stopping by today! Be sure to stop back on Friday when I will have a Dollar Find transformation for you :)


  1. This is gorgeous Angela!! I love it!!

  2. Simply beautiful - GF!!! Love your CAS style!!! Hugs ~S~

  3. I, too, love CAS. Most of the time, that is the style I use. This card is really beautiful. Thanks for sharing the card and your tips.
    Hugs, Lynn


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!