
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Trendsetting Spotlight is a 3 Way Tie And....MOABH Winners!

Hey everyone! It's time for the Trendsetting Spotlight! Each Thursday we feature a card made by someone who has participated in a previous week's TSG challenge. You can find this week's challenge from Christine, an inspiration photo, on Monday's post HERE!

This week's trendsetting spotlight is shining on 3 of our participants from last week's 3D flower challenge. Each of them made their own 3D flowers and are they ever beautiful! So this week's spotlights are shining on....Davi, Jani and Debbie!

Davi actually handmade all of these beautiful flowers!!!
Jani's flowers were so amazing I thought they were store bought!
And Debbie's beautiful creations dazzled me (again)!

PLEASE click on over to their blogs to see these amazing creations!

And now for the announcement you have all been waiting for!
The winners of our MOABH 2011 Edition are:

Participant Prize:

Judy Rozema!
Judy wins a $100 TSG Shopping Spree and the opportunity to work with Jessica to design a set of her choice!

The "IT" blog for hoppers was SILKE LEDLOW!

And the Grand Prize winner goes to hopper #24 from Silke's Post
Tanya will receive the next all the new stamp releases from June thru November!! This package is valued at over $300!!

Congratulations ladies!!!


  1. EEK!!!! EEK!!!! Doing the Snoopy dance~!

  2. Oh my gosh ladies!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  3. OMG, OMG! I can't believe it! Thank you so much!! :D


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!