
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Stampbook Saturday

Hi, Laurel here with a layout that I really enjoyed doing.  My mom comes over for coffee every Saturday morning and we always have a good visit.  I am glad I have this documented as part of our daily life.  I much prefer scrapbooking daily life than special occasion type of layouts, not sure why.  Anyhow on this layout I have used the Daily Grind along with the Perk Up set.

How about you?  What events do you enjoy scrapping more?


  1. Great layout, Laurel! I agree, scrapping the everyday is very important because life is about the everyday. If we're waiting for "BIG" moments to live, then we're wasting a lot of time! Your coffee layout is just right, and you are SO lucky to be able to have coffee with your Mom. I'm happy for you that you have that blessing!

  2. Love this layout. I like to think I am scrapbooking events that happen to my children, lol.

  3. You are awesome!! I loveeeeeeeeeee this Laurel!

  4. Oh AWESOME everyday moment page! And I LOVE coffee! ;)

  5. everyday moments are the ones that mean the most. i love that you capture them this way! so inspiring. great photography and awesome colors!

  6. what an awesome layout....Love it..

  7. Great lay out and wonderful memories for you and your Mom.


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!