
Friday, October 19, 2012

There She Goes (Again!) NEW Trendsetter Cards

Hi there! Welcome to the last day of October's There She Goes (Again!) week - the day when we share our NEW creations! Every month we take a look back at some awesome TSG stamp sets in hopes of bringing you fresh inspiration and perhaps introducing you to some of our best-selling stamps. This week we featured these spooky sets:

Hauntingly Delightful Home Sweet Home: Halloween Additions You're a Hoot

Stephanie(You're A Hoot)

Tobi Crawford (Hauntingly Delightful)

Sandra (You're A Hoot)

Angela (Hauntingly Delightful)

Torico (Hauntingly Delightful, Bugs & Hisses)

Kim O. (Hauntingly Delightful)

Kelly (Hautingly Delightful)

Tracy (You're a Hoot)

Candace (You're a Hoot)

Kim Teasdale (Hauntingly Delightful)

Jessie (Hauntingly Delightful)

Debby(Hauntingly Delightful)

Danielle (You’re a Hoot!)

Jenny (Hauntingly Delightful)

I know that our older stamps sometimes feel a little left out, but we have had a great time creating with these much-loved stamps again. Thanks for joining us this week!


  1. Super cute projects ladies!! A really great group of cards.

  2. Love seeing what your DT comes up with each week...going back and revisiting older stamp sets this week has been fun.


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!