
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Stampbook Saturday

Hello, hello!  It's Carole, back for my last day as Trendsetter of the Week, and I've got something for you that is as rare as hen's teeth: a scrapbook page by me!  Not only that, I am actually in the photo! Are you shocked?  Do you need your smelling salts?
From Millan.Net
Actually, I consider myself a 'lapsed scrapbooker.' I stumbled into stamping via scrapbooking, but you know the story: once I saw the light, I eschewed my photos and 12"x12" paper much like a cult recruit avoids his family and friends.  (By the way, there's a new series on the Bio channel called 'Escaping Evil: My Life in a Cult.' Very interesting and creepy.  Flirty Fishing!  But I digress...) I'm trying to dip my foot back into the scrapbook world in a more managable way, so I don't have to choose between two obsessions.  Thus, I'm going the -- for lack of a better description -- Project Life-ish route.  Check it out:

It's a quick and easy way to share a photo, journal a memory, and, if you want to, add a little stamping flair, as I did with an image from the awesome EVERY CHILD set, which I thought fit the theme of this page very well.  Here's a close-up:
How about you?  Do you/did you scrapbook?  If so, what's your style?  Traditional pages, digital, Project Life-ish (we've got to come up with a better term!  That one is fraught with copyright infringement issues.  Do you know of a better descriptor?  Share it with me!), etc.?  How do you incorporate stamping into your pages?  My Enquiring mind wants to know!


  1. love this. and you look marvelous in that photo. really.

  2. you look great and you are aging wonderfully. Embrace your beauty, style and spunk at each season of life.

  3. Great scrapbook page! Personally, I gave up scrapbooking (and cross-stitching) because I can only handle one addiction at a time, though I probably was never really addicted to scrapbooking like I am stamping. As I was cleaning my art room today, I did find a loose scrapbook page and an unopened scrapbook page frame and managed to put the two together (from 5 years ago). That's the extent of my scrapbooking. You look great in your photo - you are alive AND talented - which is more than a lot of people ;-)
    kathy aka sparkling stamper

  4. I love that your lay-out celebrates ANOTHER facet of creativity... THe painting evening looks like it was a blast! I like to include stamping here and there on my layouts, sometimes all or part of the title, sometimes as embellishments, as you did above, sometimes I include hand-made cards, which reflect the event or the colours or I just can't bear to throw them out. How's that for mixing your media!? Loved your gig as Trendsetter this week, and I'm now following your blog.


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!