
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stampbook Saturday- Jessica

ETA: I got a little carried away in telling my story that I forgot to add the card that inspired my Stampbook page lol! Scroll down to the * to see the edit :)

I hope your weekend is of to a great start so far! I have had a very loooong week and am crossing my fingers that I'll have at least a few minutes to take a break before our exciting release week begins!

My youngest daughter Kayla is a spunky little thing and she has been keeping me on my toes all week long! She is a crazy bundle of energy that is always going and doing something. It isn't a big surprise when I will here a big THUD coming from the other room followed by a "That's awethome!". Usually it involves her jumping/climbing off/on something and then falling. Yesterday morning that little stinker did something that had me asking "who's child are you???" And of course it was a perfect Stampbook moment ;)

What is a Stampbook Page? A Stampbook Page is a scrapbook page created using stamps and inspired by a card. Each week I create a new Stampbook Page to give you ideas on how to use your stamps in a new way and hopefully inspire you to catch up on those family photos that you've been meaning to scrapbook ;)

Yesterday morning was more like a Monday instead of a Friday. We had all overslept and were running late (I mean reaaaally late). Matt had run to the grocery store to pick up some things so I got the girls up and dressed and told them that they could go downstairs and get their own breakfast while I finished getting ready. Usually the girls will have cereal, oatmeal or occasionally even waffles but what I found Kayla having for breakfast totally threw me for a loop!


She made herself a piece of bread with peanut butter and was washing it down with a 2 liter of soda!! She didn't even bother with a cup :o We never give our girls soda but we had some left over from Kylie's birthday party last Saturday. Apparently Kayla must have thought it was juice because of the fruit on the front lol!! After I snapped a few pictures I took away the bottle and replaced it with some milk ;) No matter how big she thinks she is, she will always be my baby!

*This stampbook page was inspried by this gorgeous card that Heather, one of the Trendsetters, created. Isn't it gorgeous?? Thanks for the beautiful inspiration my friend!
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to come back Monday as we start off release week with a fun challenge!!


  1. Don't hate me - I thought it was going to be something much worse, like candy cookies AND ice cream! LOL I love all those flowers down the left side - that must have taken you forever!


  2. what a fantastic page! love the inspiration card, AND your page is wonderful!

  3. Amazing page! Great event to scrap. At least she had peanut butter and toast. My kid would of eaten ice cream inside the peanut butter toast.


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!