
Thursday, July 8, 2010

~Trendsetting Spotlight on Theresa W~

It's time for the Trendsetting Spotlight! Each Thursday we feature a card made by someone who has participated in the previous week's TSG Challenge. Would you like to be in the Trendsetting Spotlight?? Join in the fun by participating in our weekly challenges posted every Monday!

Happy Thursday, everybody! Today we're shining our Trendsetting Spotlight on Theresa W! Now Theresa has been in the spotlight before, but not on my watch, so you're going to learn a little about her today.

Theresa caught my eye with this adorable card made with the What's Up Buttercup? set:

Theresa is a TSG Cheerleader. She is ever present in our Friday Night Chats and it always brings us joy to chat with her.

Theresa started stamping as a way to spend quality time with her sisters. She is a ribbon fanatic! (I'm waiting to find a stamper who isn't!) :). She is currently working on getting published and we wish her the very best in that!

Hailing from Denver, Colorado, Theresa is a school teacher. She is single and has no children, so she gets her kid ''fix'' during the school year and still has the summers off to play! I envy you, Theresa!!

And something I didn't know about Theresa is that she is a breast cancer survivor (2 1/2 years!). You go girl!!

If you'd like to see more of Theresa's work you can find it on her blog ~ My Sassy Cards.

Thanks so much, Theresa, for sharing a little of you with us!

1 comment:

  1. This is so EXCITING!! You couldn't have picked a better person to spotlight. I am setting all biases aside. Theresa is the most talented person - this girl can do anything with her hands!! Even when we were kids, Mom recognized that talent in the flower shop. She would tell Theresa to go make this arrangement and then gave her the space to do and SHE DID IT!! She never had any formal training, she could just do it! Congratulations Theresa for being in the spotlight!!


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!