
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week in Review (Dec. 11 to 17)

What is Week In Review (WIR)?- WIR is where we showcase cards made by the Trendsetters and myself throughout the week. Not only to you get to see gorgeous projects made using TSG stamps, but you also have a chance to WIN one of these cards! Leave a comment on this post and next WIR I will choose a winner using a random number generator. That person will then get to pick out their favorite card and the Trendsetter that created it will send it to them :)

Winner from last week is: Jen del Muro

Timestamp: 2011-12-18 05:13:57 UTC

Debby Hughes (Holly Jolly)

Iwona (Snowy Days)

Jessie (Holly Jolly)

Theresa (Seasons Greetings)


  1. What wonderful tags- perfect for the Christmas gifts.

  2. Another lovely line up ladies!

  3. I moved a couple of weeks ago, and have just now gotten back on-line. BOY . . . have I missed seeing all the wonderful cards the creative DT comes up with! Super cards, as always!

  4. Love those tags. I always enjoy seeing cards from the older stamp sets. It makes me want to get mine and wipe the dust off and ink them up. Super cute cards this week.


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!