
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Stampbook Saturday with Theresa

Hi there!! It's Theresa here for my final post as this week's Trendsetter. I have a Stampbook Saturday project to share with you.

When I opened the email with the monthly calendar and the specs sheet of the upcoming release I could hardly contain myself with the Smarty Pants stamp set. Due to illness I wasn't able to complete a card for release week, and was just too excited that I could hardly wait for today's post. The photo is of my baby cousin, Kaylee. Kaylee is lucky to have a wonderful mother whom happens to take her photo at least a hundred times a day! These photos couldn't be more perfect for this stamp set. 

My project was inspired by Sandra MacLean's card.

Kaylee doesn't really wear glasses, but her mother couldn't resist a "photo" opportunity! 

Sadly, this is the end of my Trendsetter week. I appreciate all of your support and hope you've enjoyed this as much as I have.

We'll see you all next week for There She Goes (Again)! Week.


  1. What an adorable baby, Theresa! Totally love the layout with the row of glasses and that sweet girl!

  2. what a cute, cute page! love that card and LOVE how you were inspired by it! NICE!

  3. Super sweet card Theresa and great projects all week! Thanks for the beautiful inspiration.


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!