
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Trendsetter Tuesday-Tracy MacDonald

This week's Trendsetter of the week is the SUPER talented, Tracy MacDonald. I was THRILLED when Tracy said she would stay on for another term because let's face it, that kind of talent is SO hard to let go!!! She made my day when she said yes, but I think she loves it here so it was a win/win! :)

For the first card of Tracy's I am going to show off, she used the SUPER cute The Beary Best set that was released last month. I LOVE her hexagon background, and her coloring and paper piecing are just TOO cute!!

Her second card using the Oh Crop set is ENTIRELY too fun, too! I LOVE the image of the cow jumping over the grass, and her clouds, papers, layout, and die cuts are all perfection!

This past week's release included the new Lucky Duck set, and would you LOOK at what she has done with it??? Oh, I can NOT get over how perfect it is!!! That scene is sheer perfection!

One of my new favorite stamp sets, Phyllis, is featured on this final card of Tracy's. Her coloring, sparkle, and fabulous papers and layout make this one perfection...and would you look at the doodling on the edges? Genius.

Well, that is it for me for now! Be sure to head on over to Tracy's blog to check out all her work, and to say hi!


  1. Great cards - the duck scene is superb! Hope that set comes back in stock soon!

  2. Indeed...each and every one of these is fabulous!!!! I love them all!! Tracy is definitely a keeper! :-)


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!