
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday Trend: Copic Clouds

Hey everybody, Tracy here today!   I am excited to be here to give you my very first Trend post for TSG! I started to panic coming up with a trend. A couple of thoughts came to mind but I went with creating clouds with copics mostly because I have had numerous people ask..."How do you do that" so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to give a tutorial on a growing "Trend".

I know myself and alot of other people would create a "cloud mask" and stipple some ink down to create clouds. I love that's simple and easy! Recently I have seen alot of clouds created with copic markers in blogland. It took me a little while to get onboard to the idea. It looked way to difficult and I am all about easy!! A couple of weeks ago I was hanging out with some amazing and talented ladies and I was too embarrassed to pull out the ol' mask because I had so many stamping rockstars around me. So I made my own clouds with copics and guess was easy!!

So rather than tell you how, I thought I would show you how. Now bare with me, this is literally my 2nd video EVER! I am still learning, but I think you will get the idea of how to do it. As time goes on, I do hope to improve my video skills. I hear iMovie on a Mac is the best and easiest. I haven't convinced my husband that I NEED to buy one yet. He is deadset against it!! sniff, sniff.  So windows movie maker it is....

Here is the finished card. I  used this for the current masculine challenge. You still have time to get your cards in for this weeks challenge.

Hope you enjoyed the video and learned something from it. Can't wait to see your projects using copic clouds!

Tracy Valure


  1. What a gorgeous card. I had to comment before watching the video...but if it's half as good as your will be GREAT!! Welcome and thanks for sharing/teaching.

  2. Awesome card and video! Thanks for the sharing!

  3. Fantastic tutorial and adorable card!!!

  4. Awesome tute girl! VERY easy to follow, and you're right they aren't as hard as they look :) Thank you!!!!


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!