
Thursday, April 15, 2010

~Trendsetting Spotlight on Cammy W~

It's time for the Trendsetting Spotlight! Each Thursday we feature a card made by someone who has participated in the previous week's TSG Challenge. Would you like to be in the Trendsetting Spotlight?? Join in the fun by participating in our weekly challenges posted every Monday!

Hi Friends! Holly

I had an extremely hard time picking out a card for this week's spotlight as you girls did such an awesome job with last week's challenge!! H
owever, I came across this card by Cammy Wall and just knew I had to share it with all of you!

When I think of the Make a Wish set (used here), this is exactly as I would envision it used! She created a whole party on a card!

When I received my little questionnaire back from Cammy, I could just feel her bubbly personality. She is a Wisconsin girl, living in New Jersey with her husband and two adorable kids (see them up there?!). Cammy loves to color with her copics! Her favorite tool is her Cuttlebug (hmm...are we seeing a trend here?) Making cards is perfect for this young mom as she can squeeze a project in while the little ones are napping. Cammy has two precious house cats, too, so maybe cat hair is an embellishment? :)

When she's not stamping, Cammy enjoys reading and baking. She also confesses to being a gardener.... I'm thinking dinner at Cammy's!!! She also copped to being a Law & Order and NCIS fan. I'm thinking us stampers are pretty much cut from the same cloth :).

You can read more about Cammy and see her fab style on her blog: PINK ROOM THERAPY

Thanks so much for sharing with us, Cammy!!



  1. Yeah Cammy!!!! Super cute card as always!!! Love the balloons!!

  2. Oh Cammy, you MORE than deserved the recognition!!! MWAH!

  3. Cammy,

    As proud as a Mom always is of her child, (even when they have grown up to be a Mom themself) I am very proud of the work you do. All your cards are great.

  4. great card! congrats on the spotlight!


Thank you for visiting the TSG Blog, happy stamping!